Commercial | Office | Education | Renovation
Rocky Mountain Vascular Center
Our client sought after Tremmel Design Group to create a new and exciting medical architecture design for their tenant. An outdated medical office had acquired new tenants and was in need of a remodel to better serve a new purpose. Our clients are experts at growing their medical business and were pleased that TDG was able to design a medical office that retained the business image while also creating new design features unique to this location. It was TDG’s challenge to make this location fit within its context of Colorado Springs.
Healthcare architecture can provide great opportunity for creativity. TDG designed a new space for its tenant that provided its patients a calming, comfortable environment.
PeakMed Primary Care
We’ve been fortunate enough to work with a new medical provider that has been expanding a digitally based practice called Peak Medical. This provider specializes in one stop, short appointment oriented services which also monitors clients using their current health monitoring systems, so the doctor can keep up with the client’s health electronically, both in terms of medical needs and their health/exercise needs. The doctor who founded the practice has four facilities. TDG has worked with the Peak Med doctor and staff from the beginning and has been part of the design of four of their forward-looking centers.
The building and interior designs of the Peak Med facilities reflect the unique services provided. Each facility feels more relaxed and personal at a residential scale than most medical offices.